Thursday 7 May 2009

So, do Pakistan fans think that they can win the World Cup now?

Before people start thinking that I've gone crazy.....I am talking about the World Twenty20 taking place in June (and not the one taking place in two years time). Those of you who know me, are probably already aware that I don't think of the twenty20 format of the tournament as an actual world cup. This is also in line with the official ICC stand that the tournament is actually not ...well...a world cup. But then again, who cares about what the ICC, being the most incompetent sports administration body, says anyway.

But that is not what this blog is about, that can be discussed somewhere else (I am sure some of my Indian friends are jumping up and down while advocating that I do not consider the tournament worthy of having world cup status because Pakistan lost to India in the final in 2007. I assure you all that my opinion will not change even after Pakistan beats India on its way to the final this time round).

Anyway.....what this blog is actually about is whether Pakistani fans think that the tournament in June can actually be won by the men in green. Cricinfo's headline today read "Gul and Afridi demolish Australia".....demolish them they did. Should we start to believe that we will win, after all.....this is Pakistan we are talking about. A friend of mine told me recently that Pakistan is ranked number one in the world in twenty20 rankings to win the tournament (this according to an Indian website). Lets face it, the team played well today even if it was against an Australian side that was considerably short of full strength. After all, Australia is... well.... Australia, the best side in world cricket for the last decade and a half. And after the last 2 years of absolute cricketing hell that we as a nation have been through, I am willing to rejoice and celebrate any win (there is some silverware coming home many times have we said that in the last two years).

Pakistan played well today. I am one of the harshest critics of Pakistan cricket and even I was pleased. It takes a lot to bounce back from an onslaught like the one that Shane Watson inflicted on Pakistan today and the manner in which the Pakistan bowling performed today is commendable (take a bow Umar Gul - the best bowler in the shortest form of the game?!).

Not much cricket in the last 18 months and decent performances have been put up against the Australians over the last couple of weeks. Pakistan may have lost the ODI series but they were certainly not disgraced and actually could have won, in all seriousness (bar a couple of horrific batting collapses like the one where 10 wickets were lost for 76 runs).

So, we are less than a month away from the torunament that I honestly think we should have won the first time round, two years ago. What do you guys think? Can Pakistan go one better? Should the ICL players have been called back to increase our chances or do we have enough strength and depth in the squad as it is?

And please, nothing like we are the most unpredictable side in the world, so ofcourse we can.....I've heard that a zillion times before and quite honestly guys....its getting a bit old.


  1. We have become the poster child of everything bad that happens in the world, with the media reporting of dooms day theories its hard not to get caught up in this sentiment. Then there is our cricket team, the only real escape that the people of Pakistan had from all of the political and social instability hitting the country. But in the 3 years that have passed even the escapism we turned to become a living nightmare. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.

    From the Oval test controversy to the early exit from the world cup and then the conspiracy theories to who killed Bob Woolmer. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, the attack in Lahore on the Sri-Lankan team happens. You think well that’s it the cricket team is done for. Yet somehow in the face of all this adversity and after the smoke has settled…. we still stand.

    Then we play Australia and to everyone’s surprise we play well and after a long time the fans got a team that had some fight. Even though we lost the series we went down fighting. Now everyone’s talking about Pakistan being Favourites to win the Twenty20 World Championship. Me Personally I would love to see the Team win, but what I really want is a united front from our team. I am not going to go into the intricacies of who should play where and what bowlers and all rounders should be on.
    I just want the same team that played with the same fire and urgency that we saw from the last twenty20 game. If we get the same mindset, we’re in for one hell of a show. I guess there is only one way to really find out how it all pans out, is to wait and see. However after a long hiatus there is optimism in the Air.
    Game on!


  2. I agree with many of the comments made. Basically ICC need to STFU because they dont know anything about cricket or how the game is played internationaly, natioanlay or on a local level.

    Pakistan has the most raw talent in the cricket world. I my self am a diamond amongst rubys atleast thats what my 6th wife said.

    ANyway Pakistan will win Inshallah. They have the best team, the most entertaining players although India have a similarly extravagant and explosive team.

    Forget the rest. Austrailia -theyll be there or there abouts, england well really backwaas team.

    West Indies - waj is better player than them all.

    Sri lanka- will be strong

    India & Pakistan in the final.

    Newzealand and south africa will be ok till later stages and then get beat like always.

    ALso 20/20 is the only way forward, its where the money is and the excitement. Test cricket used to be good when theyre were several strong test playing nations.

    There are only 3 or 4 now.

    Anyway more to come later i think i just saw my 7th wife.

    Pakistan to win the WORLD CUP Inshallah.

